Easy Scheduling allows you to directly schedule sessions with your child's mentor! No more back and forth, missing each other's emails, or worrying about coordinating schedules -- simply find a time that works for your child on their mentor's calendar and schedule within the Curious Cardinals platform.
We know that matches who meet on a consistent weekly basis are the most fruitful and connected -- that's why we encourage scheduling multiple sessions in advance at a predictable cadence. Easy Scheduling allows you to do just that -- at times that work best with your child's schedule.
While your child's mentor will still be the driver for consistent scheduling, Easy Scheduling reduces scheduling friction between parents, students, and mentors by allowing direct, real-time collaboration. All parties can schedule, reschedule, and cancel sessions as needed.
Cancel and reschedule sessions easily.
As with any new feature we release, Easy Scheduling is not intended to replace human connection or the personal touch we pride ourselves on. Instead, we're putting power into your hands to make scheduling choices that make sense for your family. That's time back for you, time back for your child's mentor, and more time for the transformative power of near-peer mentorship! ⏰
We know you're going to love this new feature, and we can't wait to hear your feedback as we continue to improve and fine-tune every aspect of your Curious Cardinals experience.
Thank you so much for trusting us with your student's learning journey!
Stay curious,