Why You Should Learn About Entrepreneurship as a High School Student

A ninth grader and Curious Cardinals student ambassador shares how the field has shaped her world view.
One of my earliest childhood memories is of my mom telling me I was a “natural-born entrepreneur.” From the time I could walk and talk, I remember sprinting to my dad any time I had a new idea for a product, a better solution to something I was struggling with, or a smarter way to solve someone else’s problems. Each time I made my “pitch,” I was convinced that my idea would become the next Shark Tank success story. In fact, when I was younger I would prefer to watch Shark Tank over cartoons, Disney Channel, and pretty much every other TV show that kids my age enjoyed.
So, long before I could even spell the word “entrepreneurship," I had apparently decided my future calling in life. I mean, who wouldn’t want a career full of independence and creativity?
Fast forward to 2020, when I was offered the incredible opportunity to work as a student ambassador for an ed-tech startup. That amazing company was Curious Cardinals, which provides elementary, middle, and high school students with dedicated college mentors to help them answer the often dreaded question of “what are you passionate about?”
One day, while scrolling through the Curious Cardinals website, a workshop on the fundamentals of business caught my eye. After reading a quick description, I enrolled in the class. During the course, we dove into the social sciences (economics, business, psychology) and STEM (math). I quickly connected with the college mentor who taught me, Grace Pan. She provided me with invaluable advice on navigating the world of business and has become a huge role model for me. In the entrepreneurial experiences I have had since our mentorship, I have found myself constantly wondering, “What would my mentor do in this situation?”
My responsibilities within Curious Cardinals have taken many forms over the last two years, from giving inputs on the website to helping with marketing and organizing speaker panels. With each assignment I tackle, I further my understanding of the inner workings of a thriving startup.
The entrepreneurial work I have done has given me the confidence needed to achieve my goals both in and outside of the classroom. I have become a more creative person, a better communicator, and a more successful leader. These skills have allowed me to pursue a multitude of opportunities, ranging from leadership positions at my school to summer internships and fellowships.
The problem solvers and innovators of our society are the backbone of our world, which is why I encourage every teen to explore their own entrepreneurial passions and take a business course at Curious Cardinals. In addition to the skills you will leave with, taking a class may be the very thing you need to discover your interests and callings as well!
Has Mia inspired you to find your calling and learn more about entrepreneurship? No matter your age or prior experience, dive in this summer by signing up for our Entrepreneurship course, and work with a mentor like Grace to nurture that interest!