Curious Cardinals Blog

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advice for parents

Audrey's Thoughts on Toxic Achievement Culture

Meet the culprit crushing your student's curiosity and confidence.

In the 1990s, Yale researcher Suniya Luthar began studying the lives of American teenagers affected by poverty, crime and substance abuse. In search of a control group to compare her findings, she uncovered a shocking truth: affluent suburban teenagers were struggling more with substance abuse and mental health than less privileged peers. 

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Why Your Kids Won’t Listen To You + What You Can Do About It

"Mother knows best"? Not according to your kid.

You know your child has so much potential, but they hesitate to put themselves out there. You remind them of all their great qualities -- they brush it off! Or you highlight their talent in XYZ -- they play it down. You make a suggestion to try XYZ activity that would be perfect for them, and they immediately push back. You just want them to thrive... so WHY won't they just listen to you?

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3 Key Takeaways from Jennifer Wallace's Never Enough

In the 1990s, Yale researcher Suniya Luthar began studying the lives of American teenagers affected by poverty, crime, and substance abuse. In search of a control group to compare her findings, she uncovered a shocking truth: affluent suburban teenagers were struggling more with substance abuse and mental health than less privileged peers.1

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