How Cardinals Became Curious

Ever wondered how Curious Cardinals got its name? In this week's newsletter, we're talking about just that!
“Curious” epitomizes co-founders Alec and Audrey’s experience. Alec and Audrey were both on fixed tracks, but were diverted during the pandemic. They started asking, “What if?” When asked if they could, they inquired “Why not?” Rather than just zooming ahead with the previous plan, curiosity means continually asking why, keeping your mind open to the world around you.
“Cardinal” is a reference to Stanford’s cardinal red color, but we’ve adopted the bird as a more literal symbol for our students. “I always like to say when a student comes, they hatch their idea in the nest,” Audrey recently explained on the Love Your School Podcast. “We give them the confidence to fly into the sky.”
Your student’s journey is only beginning! As the clock ticks faster toward them leaving the nest, you want to prepare them for flight. Think of a CC mentor as a student’s personal flight instructor.😉🧑✈ A Curious Cardinals mentor incubates your student’s passions, talents, and natural curiosities. Their mentorship experience will expand their vision, unlock their confidence, and help them prepare for a bright future ahead.
Curiosity is Key!
Curiosity is the magic ingredient that gets your student observing, dreaming, and doing. Tackling problems with a sense of tenacity, awe, and wonder. Unfortunately, classrooms are usually the place Curiosity goes to die. That’s why we’re so passionate about cultivating curiosity through mentorship and personalized learning.
“Wonder is such an important feeling for our kids, preserving their innocence and helping them view the world around them with their ‘clear-eyed vision’. That sense of wonder can in turn cultivate curiosity and questioning, appreciation and respect, imagination and creativity.” - Shirra Baston
Audrey’s pick: How to Foster Kids’ Wonder and Awe, and Why it’s Important