Curious Cardinals Blog

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Audrey's Thoughts on Toxic Achievement Culture

Meet the culprit crushing your student's curiosity and confidence.

In the 1990s, Yale researcher Suniya Luthar began studying the lives of American teenagers affected by poverty, crime and substance abuse. In search of a control group to compare her findings, she uncovered a shocking truth: affluent suburban teenagers were struggling more with substance abuse and mental health than less privileged peers. 

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Canva Collab Launch + Why Gen Z Cares So Much About Climate Change

We interrupt this newsletter to bring you a very special announcement!

Big news! 🎉 Our 10-section executive function course with Canva has officially launched! To view the course, visit Canva's Future Skills page and scroll down to "Silent Superpowers". (Note: You'll need a Canva premium account to access lessons 2-10. However, your student's Curious Cardinals mentor will have full access to each section.)

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The Secret to Raising Organized, Independent Kids

Want to raise independent, self-sufficient kids?

All parents want to know that their kids will be able to survive in this world without them someday...and not only survive, but thrive! That doesn't mean they become someone who never needs help. Rather, it means children are empowered to understand and communicate their needs, strategize, plan, develop self control, maintain healthy relationships, and yes -- ask for help when they need it.

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