Curious Cardinals Blog

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Curious Cardinals Mentor

From Novice to Google Engineer in One Year: Why It's Never Too Late to Learn to Code

When I first arrived at Stanford, coding wasn't even on my radar. It seemed like a foreign language, and I had no plans of delving into it. During orientation week, I stumbled upon an introductory coding class, and something about it piqued my curiosity. I decided to give it a shot, and little did I know, it would change my life forever.

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Thriving Against the Odds: Empowering Women in STEM

When I first stepped into the realm of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), it felt like an exhilarating rollercoaster ride. The possibilities seemed endless, but I couldn't ignore the glaring gender disparity and gender biases. As a woman, I was often made to feel alone and out of place, but that didn't deter me. Instead, it fueled my determination to break barriers and pave the way for more women to thrive in STEM fields.

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