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Why Your Kids Won’t Listen To You + What You Can Do About It

"Mother knows best"? Not according to your kid.

You know your child has so much potential, but they hesitate to put themselves out there. You remind them of all their great qualities -- they brush it off! Or you highlight their talent in XYZ -- they play it down. You make a suggestion to try XYZ activity that would be perfect for them, and they immediately push back. You just want them to thrive... so WHY won't they just listen to you?

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From Novice to Google Engineer in One Year: Why It's Never Too Late to Learn to Code

When I first arrived at Stanford, coding wasn't even on my radar. It seemed like a foreign language, and I had no plans of delving into it. During orientation week, I stumbled upon an introductory coding class, and something about it piqued my curiosity. I decided to give it a shot, and little did I know, it would change my life forever.

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Thriving Against the Odds: Empowering Women in STEM

When I first stepped into the realm of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), it felt like an exhilarating rollercoaster ride. The possibilities seemed endless, but I couldn't ignore the glaring gender disparity and gender biases. As a woman, I was often made to feel alone and out of place, but that didn't deter me. Instead, it fueled my determination to break barriers and pave the way for more women to thrive in STEM fields.

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4 Things to Remember When Discussing LGBT+ Identities at Home

As part of this month's Mentor Reflection series, we asked Priyanka Aiyer (Princeton, '23) to think back on her journey in discovering her LGBT+ identity, and share meaningful insights for parents navigating conversations on this topic with their children. Read her reflections below: 

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